What if there was a formula out there that will FINALLY help you overcome your mental block or fear so you can start performing again with renewed confidence and resilience? 

There is! This programme will teach you the core mental skills to help get you there along with direct access to a sport psychologist whenever you need it.

Enrol Now

This Programme IS for you and your athlete if:

  • Your athlete is struggling with a fear or mental block and you want to help them deal with them effectively
  • You’ve tried things to help them but nothing seems to work 
  • You see them perform well in practice but in competition, they underperform and make mistakes
  • They dream of being successful but can't imagine how they are going to get over this mental blocks 
  • Their dream of being an elite athlete is slipping away because of their overwhelming fear 
  • Every time they lose a skill, they panic, thinking that it's never coming back 
  • They've considered giving up because of fear or mental block 
  • They're sick of feeling left behind 
  • They feel like their coaches are giving up on them (you might not even know they feel this way



Get exclusive access* to the exact formula that I use with my private clients to help them banish those pesky fears and mental blocks so that they can start performing with renewed confidence and resilience

Enrol now

This Programme will help you to:

… will help you understand what mental blocks are and why they occur so that you can become aware of what is holding you back

… to develop the mental fitness skills that will build the solid foundations needed so you can finally concentrate on your performance and not the block

… identify and overcome the fears that are fueling your block so you can take control, change the story and build a future that you dream of.

create a vision so that you know exactly where you want to be so that you can start making progress towards what you want

… learn to change the language that you tell yourself so that you can direct your energy to what you want instead of what you don't want. 

… will improve your confidence and increase your resilience so that you will be mentally prepared for any performance and competition.

Here is what's included

This programme  provides you with a wealth of content and accountability. Here are some of the programme features that are included:
  • 30-minute private Kick Start session to help you get the best out of the programme and understand what support you may need as you work on overcoming your mental block and improve your confidence
  • Mental performance Assessments to identify where you are now and help you track your progress over the course of the programme
  • The Mental Block Breakthrough Formula™  This is the exact formula that I use on my 1.2.1 clients and I have put it in a training area so that you can watch and implement it when it suits you.
  •  Implementation worksheets  These have been developed so that you can easily apply the concepts to your own situation. You will be able to send worksheets to the team so that they can give you feedback making it more likely for you to be successful.
  • One follow up 30-minute private session: when you need it during the 13 weeks. So if you feel that you need some additional support, you can book a call and speak to one of our sport psychology professionals on a particular problem that you can't get over.
  •  Parent support: We know that parents are the glue that sticks this all together so you will get 12 weeks of support via WhatsApp or Messenger where you can ask questions and get support from us so that you never feel alone. 

 Once you have enrolled, you will be given a link to book your kick start call. Once we have completed this, you will be ready to go and start taking action'. 


 "My gymnast daughter (12) had been experiencing problems with her back skills for a number of months. She was getting very upset and was considering giving up the sport she loved. She couldn't understand why she just couldn't do something that had come naturally for so long. I contacted Jo for help and the advice she gave was fantastic. She explained what was happening and helped me understand how to best help her through it. 2 months later her back skills have returned and my daughter is a happy gymnast once again!"

 Tracy G



Hi, I'm Jo, a sport and high-performance psychologist. I support athletes to overcome their fears, anxieties and mental blocks so that they can start creating the success that will take them to the next level.

One of the hardest things for an athlete when fear and anxiety hits is finding the strength to push through it and take action.
When I was a teenager, I experienced this first hand. I really struggled with a move called the "Birani' on the trampoline. I was so scared of hurting myself, I had a huge mental block and I consistently balked out of the move. As a psychologist, I've seen how devastating it can be when I see clients desperately want to get over the fear but something is stopping them.
Now as a parent, I understand the pain we go through when we see our children struggling and don't know how we can take the pain away from them.
When I qualified, I was drawn to working with performing sports such as gymnasts, trampolining and figure skating as well as the performing arts as the mental game is so important.
I have now worked with hundreds of athletes to help them breakthrough their mental block and I have master a formula that is now accessible to more people.
I am looking forward to working with any of you who are ready to take action now.
Jo x



Now if you were to buy

The Mental Blocks Breakthrough Programme™ 

at full price,

it would cost £497 though valued at £1500 

HOWEVER, if you have been provided with this link, I am offering an incredible offer.

This offer is £124.25 (That's a 75% Discount)

In addition to this, you will also receive

The Mental Performance Library for Sport Parents and Coaches™. Valued at £349

A comprehensive library of over 15 Masterclasses delivered by Sport Psychology professionals to help you develop the mental fitness of athletes in youth sport. 

So if this sound like the right programme for you, click the button below and get yourself enrolled.

Enrol Now
2022 Key Aspirations Success LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Any results shown on our website are only examples of what might be possible for clients that work with us. All results are reliant on the client and the work that they do for themselves. 
 The programme will give you all the tools and support that you need to make that result more likely but we can not guarantee that your mental blocks will disappear during the programme.